DEI: Improving Population Health for Underserved Communities
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Health and illness are shaped by social conditions and the structural forces that shape these conditions. As a result, historically excluded and underserved communities disproportionately carry the burden of many acute and chronic conditions. Population health represents an approach to 1) understanding systematic disparities in health outcomes and the inter-related factors that shape health over time and 2) leveraging this information to inform interventions, programs, and policies. To be successful, this approach must acknowledge social inequities, elevate community voices, and produce actionable knowledge. The purpose of this webinar is to describe a population-based approach, grounded in emancipatory research, to improving the health of historically excluded and underserved communities.
Learning Objectives
1. Differentiate individual, social, and structural determinants of health
2. Describe structural medicine and examine the role of PTs in identifying and addressing social needs
3. Summarize the principles underlying emancipatory research
4. Define population health and consider the use of population-based approaches in eliminating health disparities.

Dawn Magnusson
Dawn Magnusson, PT, PhD is an Assistant Professor in the Physical Therapy Program at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. She received a PhD in Population Health Sciences, a certificate in Global Health, and an MS in Physical Therapy from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. She completed a two-year postdoctoral fellowship in General Academic Pediatrics, with a focus on health disparities research, through the Department of Pediatrics at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Dr. Magnusson’s research employs emancipatory research methods within a population health framework to a) describe the distribution of health outcomes within a population, b) understand the contribution and interconnectedness of multiple determinants of health within a population, and c) inform the development of innovative, community-led solutions that advance health equity for historically excluded populations.
Course Instructions
- Click on the Contents tab to watch the course recording.
- Click the Take Quiz button to complete the assessment. Learners will have 3 attempts to pass and must answer at least 70% of questions correctly.
- Click Fill Out Survey under the Evaluation listing to provide valuable course feedback. Scroll down on all questions as there may be answer options that expand past the size of the window.
- Click the View/Print Your Certificate button under the Certificate listing. You can view/print your certificate at any time by visiting the APTA Learning Center and clicking the CEU Certificate/Transcript link on the left-hand side of the page.
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