APTA Learning Center

Your Access to Trusted Continuing Education

Welcome to APTA Learning Center’s Comprehensive Lecture Series

Each series offers four to six hours of in-depth content focused on specific topic areas, delivered by leading experts in the field. Enhance your knowledge and skills with our detailed and practical lectures. Start exploring today!

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New Releases

Persistent Pain Management Learning Series

Advance your expertise in pain management with our six-course series for physical therapy professionals. Enroll in individual courses or complete the full series to earn a certificate.

CEUs: Up to 2.8 to 3.2 (28 to 32 hours)

Lectures From The Vault

Physical Therapist Management of the Bicyclist

Discover best practices for physical therapists working with bicyclists, including effective treatment interventions tailored for this population.

CEUs: 0.6 (6 contact hours)

Treating the Injured Runner

Review the latest literature on running retraining, identify patient subgroups that benefit most, and develop comprehensive return-to-run programs. Gain confidence in performing in-clinic running analysis and addressing risk factors in training programs.

CEUs: 0.8 (8 contact hours)

The Eyes Have It: Physical Therapy Management of Common Vestibular Disorders

Acquire practical skills to diagnose and treat vestibular conditions such as BPPV and peripheral vestibular hypofunction. Learn through real-world case studies and flexible video modules designed to enhance your clinical expertise. 

CEUs: 0.8 (8 contact hours)

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